Mathematics for Game Creators

Over essentiële wiskundige principes binnen game development

Mathematics for Game Creators

Mathematics for Game Creators vult een hiaat in het aanbod van studieboeken over wiskunde binnen de richting Digital Arts & Entertainment.

focus op wiskunde principes zoals trigonometrie, vectoren en matrices

toegespitst op de noden van studenten én de arbeidsmarkt

uniek in het aanbod

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Mathematics for Game Creators


Mathematics for Game Creators. Trigonometry, vectors and matrices will cover the essential math principles and focus on the application in game engines and 3D editors.


The author takes off by refreshing trigonometry fundamentals and elementary functions, to use them as a sound foundation to understand vectors. After a passage through aspects of and operations on vectors, already their dot and cross products enable a basic outline of lighting programming.


Finally a sound initiation in kinematics and dynamics makes you knowledgeable in handling physics engines.



Demo: oplossingsmodule in de oefeningen

Ontdek de handige oplossingentool in de oefeningen van ‘Mathematics for Game Creators’ in deze korte demovideo.


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De auteur

Koen Samyn

Koen Samyn is Program Coordinator Game Development of the award winning Digital Arts and Entertainment study program at Howest.

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